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Ballet Chicago Rules and Regulations


  • Class, rehearsal and performance schedules must be strictly adhered to at all times.

  • Please observe dress code.

  • Conduct in and out of the studio must be courteous and professional at all times.

  • Please report all absences to Ballet Chicago via email to Krystle Simmons (

  • Injured students are required to observe all their assigned classes.

  • Ballet Chicago requires parents to designate a chaperone status for each student. This system is in place for all situations and locations outside of the Ballet Chicago Studios. There are no exceptions, regardless of distance or location. For example, if a student's chaperone level is "Group" they cannot go to the corner drug store by themselves or with one other person simply because the destination is nearby. Students are required to follow their chaperone level without exception.

  • Ballet Chicago shall not be liable in any way for injuries sustained during attendance at the School or any of its related functions. It is also understood that dance instruction involves kinetic corrections that may include physically touching the student as part of regular class work and rehearsals.

  • Students are required to carry his/her Ballet Chicago ID Card at all times.

  • Students are required to keep the studios, dressing rooms and common areas clean at all times. 

  • Students are not permitted to use fellow dancers' belongings without their permission.

  • Hazing and any other rude or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

  • Each student is encouraged to carry his or her own personal property insurance. Ballet Chicago assumes no liability directly or indirectly for loss or damage to personal property by fire, theft or any other cause.

  • Ballet Chicago without exception supports the laws of the state of Illinois, including those regarding alcoholic beverages, smoking, illegal drugs and firearms. Ballet Chicago prohibits the use of alcohol, tobacco and/or illegal drugs by any person attending the program. Violation of this rule will lead to immediate dismissal from the Summer Intensive and/or Repertory Workshop.

  • Students are responsible, both individually and collectively, for all damage to and defacement of Ballet Chicago rooms and furnishings, and for any damage to the public areas of the building and equipment. In the event damage is assessed, the student will receive an itemized bill of damage charges to be paid by the student and/or the parent/legal guardian.

  • Ballet Chicago reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time for violation of the terms and conditions stated herein or for any other reason that Ballet Chicago in its discretion deems appropriate, including but not limited to, any violation of stated policies, rules and regulations.

  • Tuition is non-refundable.




Disciplinary Policies and Procedures


Listed below are the Disciplinary Policies and Procedures for the School of Ballet Chicago's Summer Intensive & Repertory Workshop. This information is being provided for both the student's and parent's awareness. These rules have been established for our students' safety and to allow them to fully enjoy their stay. The chaperones and staff are provided to ensure their well-being and should be treated with respect at all times.


Disciplinary Procedures:

The following disciplinary procedures apply to any violation of the Ballet Chicago and Dormitory Rules and Regulations.


  1. First Offense: A verbal warning will be issued to the student. The student will have an early curfew the following evening.

  2. Second Offense: A written warning will be issued to the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified. The student will have an early curfew for the following two evenings. The third violation could result in being sent home.

  3. Third Offense: Following the third infraction, it is at Ballet Chicago's discretion whether the student will continue their studies for the 2019 Summer Intensive and/or Repertory Workshop. Again, if it is decided that a student will no longer be allowed to continue their studies with the school, he/she will be sent home. Please remember no refunds are given.


Disciplinary Policies:


The following violations have a Zero-Tolerance Policy and will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION. In the case of expulsion, no refunds of any tuition or housing will be made.


  1. No open flames in the dormitory: This includes, but is not limited to, matches, candles, and incenses. If a student needs to burn pointe shoe ribbons, this may be done at the Ballet Chicago Studios in the presence of a staff member. Open Flames are an immediate endangerment to both the student and those around them.

  2. Possession or use of any type of drugs or alcohol (including cigarettes) is strictly prohibited.

  3. Sexual relationships of any kind are not permitted.

  4. Any acts or threats of violence towards a staff member or other student will not be tolerated. 

  5. Possession or use of any and all kinds of weapons is strictly prohibited.


Ballet Chicago reserves the right to discipline for infractions not specifically listed above. 



17 N. State St. Chicago, IL 60602

(312) 251-8838



© 2025 Ballet Chicago


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