Ballet Chicago offers eight weeks of summer training each year, providing the serious ballet student with an unparalleled training experience. Our programs bear the hallmarks of every Ballet Chicago course: truly intensive, multidimensional, activity-packed programming that will challenge you, educate you, and leave you feeling enriched and inspired.
Dormitory Housing:
Ballet Chicago provides supervised housing for students ages 12 and up at the University Center, a secure and state-of-the-art downtown student residence. Located just five blocks from the Ballet Chicago studios, the dorm is staffed by experienced chaperones who live on site.
Ballet Chicago’s brings our youngest dancers they joy and exhilaration of dance. Learning to move with grace and skill, feeling the beauty of music in your veins, experiencing the magic of living in the air – these are the things that inspire and delight children. Join us this summer and give your little one the chance to explore the wonders of ballet.